
Today I'm starting English version of my website!

I'm really happy to introduce myself in both languages — English and Russian.

I plan to create new posts in 2 languages, though some older posts may not be translated.

When I started this site, I made up some plans and part of them has already been implemented, e.g.:

  • ability to submit comments was added to blog with the help of disqus
  • added a section with information about myself, my photo, and my contacts in social networks
  • this English version at was created
  • and I'm trying to prepare interesting posts every month.

My future plans are:

  • add tags to blog posts
  • cover the code with RSpec tests (this is internal, so no one will notice)
  • maybe add RSS to the blog
  • generate even more interesting and useful content, hopefully about Ruby, Ruby on Rails and... personal productivity!

Feel free to contact me on any subject. I will always be happy to help.